Adelaide City Mosque
The oldest functioning Mosque of Australia built in 1886-88 by migrant cameleers, from Afghanistan, north west part of India (now Pakistan) and Balochistan (largest province of Pakistan)
IQAMAH (إِقَامَة) Time
Fajr (الفجر )
6:09 AM
Zuhr ( ٱلظُّهْر )
1:44 PM
Asr ( العصر )
6:22 PM
Magrib (اَلْمَغْرِب)
8:15 PM
Ish’a (العِشَاء)
9:40 PM
Juma (جمعة)
01:30 PM
Welcome To Adelaide City Mosque
Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of SA Inc wish to thank the Department of Premier and Cabinet – Multicultural Affairs in supporting the development of our website.
Packed with History and a uniting place for all communities. Being a Muslim community organization we are providing various services to our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. We offer the opportunity to attend prayer 5 times and other facilities.

Follow The Path Of Islam

The Pillars Of Islam





Donate to Support your Mosque
Your Contributions to Mosque are used to support mosque and wider community.
- Donate Using Paypal or Debite/Credit Card
- Donate via Bank Account
You can make contributions to Mosque using direct deposit. Make sure to write in description purpose of donation.
Account Title: CBA Donation
BSB: 065116
Account: 10249393
Descripton: Write purpose of donation
Upcoming Events
May Allah enable you to live a good life and spread the message of Islam. Keep yourself updated with recent news and happenign at adelaide city mosque.